Delete Veriscope Server(s)

When you are done with a Veriscope Server(s), you can delete them by editing the appropriate .tfvars file and running terraform apply again.

You will have to run Terraform init and validate if you have a new terminal session. See here for more details.

After you have updated your .tfvars file and run Terraform init and validate (if needed), run the below command to delete the intended Veriscope Server(s) and their related infrastructure.

This command will terminate all instances in your workspace, regardless of whether tfvars exist or not.

terraform destroy -var-file <your-github-handle>.tfvars

For example,

terraform destroy -var-file art-cmyk.tfvars
Sample output
terraform destroy -var-file art-cmyk.tfvars
Do you really want to destroy all resources in workspace "dev-art-cmyk"?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value:
If you encounter an error at this point (during the apply operation), you will need to run terraform plan followed by terraform apply again after the error/issue has been resolved.

It shows you all the changes and asks you whether to proceed. Upon typing yes and hitting enter it will proceed with deleting the infrastructure. An example of the output upon completion below.

Sample output

Destroy complete! Resources: 13 destroyed.