Update Veriscope

The update-veriscope.yaml playbook copies the version of the code on the controller machine onto the target Veriscope Server(s). It expects a value for the variable apps_to_update which is a list of veriscope components to update / reinstall, either api and/or dashboard (i.e. the web-application).

ansible-playbook -i infra/configure/inventory/veriscope-nodes.yaml --extra-vars '{"apps_to_update":["api", "dashboard"]}' infra/configure/playbooks/update-veriscope.yaml


Update a specific "app", e.g. --extra-vars '{"apps_to_update":["dashboard"]}'

ansible-playbook -i infra/configure/inventory/veriscope-nodes.yaml --extra-vars '{"apps_to_update":["dashboard"]}' infra/configure/playbooks/update-veriscope.yaml


Update a specific Veriscope Server, use the --limit flag as below. E.g. --limit "update-this-server.veriscope.org".

ansible-playbook -i infra/configure/inventory/veriscope-nodes.yaml infra/configure/playbooks/update-veriscope.yaml --limit "<the-node-you-want-to-update>,localhost"

Run a specific Ansible playbook

Let’s say you want to create a new Admin User for your Veriscope dashboard. To do this, you can run the create-admin-user.yaml playbook as follows (the --limit flag is optional):

ansible-playbook -i infra/configure/inventory/veriscope-nodes.yaml infra/configure/playbooks/create-admin-user.yaml --limit "<the-node-you-want-to-update>"
A full list playbooks can be found /infra/configure/playbooks, from the root of the repository.

Update TA Account

Update or add more TA accounts in your veriscope_ta_node/.env:

ansible-playbook -i infra/configure/inventory/veriscope-nodes.yaml infra/configure/playbooks/update-ta-accounts.yaml -l "<Your Web Node>"
In the veriscope-node.yaml file, your trust_anchor_account_address needs to be enclosed in single quotes and without any spaces.
trust_anchor_account_address: 'TA1,TA2,TA3'
trust_anchor_preferred_name: TA1,TA2,TA3
trust_anchor_private_key: TA1,TA2,TA3